Заглавие | Психолингвистическое исследование лексико-семантических групп с идентификатором сутки в русском и денонощие в болгарском языках |
Вид на публикацията | Journal Article |
Година на публикуване | 1995 |
Автори | Петрова, К |
Списание | Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics |
Том | 20 |
Книжка | 1 |
Страници | 5–13 |
Език на публикацията | rus |
Резюме | The article is а part of contrastive semasiologic analysis of lexicosemantic groups with main word (identification) twenty-four hours in Russian and Bulgarian. Note: There are single words with the meaning of ‘twenty-four hours’ in both languages; the corresponding groups consist of words, referring to the parts of day and night. We try to combine traditional linguistic methods and empirical techniques. The psycholinguistic experiment consists of three tasks: to draw ‘24 hours’; to divide the time period into parts, name them and give their time reference; a free association test. |
Код за цитиране | Петрова1995 |