Заглавие | Канонично-правни текстове в състава на славянски ръкописи, съхранявани в български книгохранилища (Предварителен списък) |
Вид на публикацията | Journal Article |
Година на публикуване | 2008 |
Автори | Найденова, Д |
Списание | Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика |
Том | 32 |
Книжка | 4 |
Страници | 53–69 |
ключови думи | Василий Велики; Византия; Йоан Постник; канонично право; каталог; Матей Властар; Номоканон; Номоканон на Котелерий; описи; пенитенциали; преводни текстове; Псевдозонар; сборници; синтагма; славянски правни текстове; славянски ръкописи |
Резюме | The present article includes a preliminary list of texts of the canon law in a Slavonic manuscripts that are preserved in large Bulgarian libraries and depositories, as well as in small collections of libraries, monasteries and museums in the country. Although work on the scholary description of the Slavonic manuscripts in these collections has been going on for over a century now there is no list of the texts of the canon law (it has not even been established yet how many texts there are and to what kind of legal monuments they belong). There is also no clear notion of the manuscripts they are found in (thus, e.g. the Church Historical and Archive Institute has no scholary description or inventory). The mss. included in the list have been examined de visu with a few exceptions. The material is arranged thematically. The description sticks to the following outline: name of the canon law text (incipits are given only when no printed edition was found); depository and call number of the manuscript; bibliography. |
Код за цитиране | Найденова2008 |