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Libri Slavici

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Bell, A. авт, 2006. Speech accommodation theory and audience design. В K. Brown, ред Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Boston: Elsevier, с-ци 648–651.
Bell, A. авт, 2006. Speech accommodation theory and audience design. В J. May, ред Concise Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. Boston: Elsevier, с-ци 992–994.
Giles, H. и съавт. авт-ри, 1987. Speech accommodation theory : The first decade and beyond. В M. McLaughlin, ред Communication Yearbook. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, с-ци 13–48.
Giles, H., Scherer, K.R. & Taylor, D. авт-ри, 1979. Speech markers in social interaction. В K. R. Scherer & Giles, H., ред-ри Social Markers in Speech. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, с-ци 343 – 381.
Charney, R. авт, 1980. Speech roles and the development of personal pronouns. Journal of Child Language, 7, с-ци509–528.
Giles, H. & Powesland, P. авт-ри, 1975. Speech style and social evaluation, London: Academic Press.
Diplomatic Edition of the Text and Facsimile of the 42 Miniatures of a 15th-century Typological Life of Christ in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
Schubert, G. авт, 2005. Sprache, Identität, Sprachwechsel. В Ю. Стоянова и съавт., ред-ри Littera Scripta Manet. Сборник в чест на 65-годишнината на проф. дфн Васила Радева. София: Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", с-ци 96–107.
Menke, B. авт, 1987. Sprachfiguren – Figuren des Umwegs in der Theorie Benjamins. Konstanz: Universität Konstanz.
Stančeva, M. авт, 1979. Sredec dans l’histoire de la culture matérielle et l’art de la Bulgarie médiévale. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 3(4), с-ци42–50.
Stančeva, M. авт, 1979. Sredec dans l’histoire de la culture matérielle et l’art de la Bulgarie médiévale. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 3(4), с-ци42–50.
Thurston, H. авт, 1909. St. George. В The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Available at:
Ismajli, R. авт, 2003. Standarde dhe identitete, Pejë: Dukagjini.
Delany, S.R. авт, 1984. Starboard Wine, More Notes on the Language of Science Fiction, Pleasantville, NY: Dragon Press.
Yule, G.U. авт, 1944. The statistical study of literary vocabulary, Cambridge: Archon Books.
Fant, G. авт, 1973. Stops in CV-syllables. В G. Fant, ред Speech sounds and features. Cambridge, Mass.: {MIT} press, с-ци 110–139.
Izmirlieva, V. авт, 1994. Stories and Names: Modes of Eastern Orthodox Rhetoric of Sainthood. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 18(3), с-ци11–16.
Jones, E. и съавт. авт-ри, 1999. Strategies of accommodation: Development of a coding system for conversational interaction. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 18, с-ци123–151.
Bloom, L., Lightbown, P. & Hood, L. авт-ри, 1975. Structure and variation in child language, Chicago: University Of Chicago Press.
Alissandratos, J. авт, 1982. The Structure of Gregory Camblac’s Eulogy of Cyprian. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 6(1), с-ци45–58.
Alissandratos, J. авт, 1982. The Structure of Gregory Camblac’s Eulogy of Cyprian. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 6(1), с-ци45–58.
Alissandratos, J. авт, 1980. The Structure of Gregory Camblac’s Sermon on Euthymius in the Context of Byzantine and Medieval Slavic Literature. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 4(4), с-ци40–57.


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