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Libri Slavici

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Статия в списание
Спасова, М. авт, 1989. Scriptio continua и ролята на един предлог. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 13(2), с-ци55–70.
Burrow, T. авт, 1957. Sanskrit "gṝ-/gur-" 'to Welcome'. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 20(1/3), с-ци133–144.
Deferrari, R.J. ред, 1922. Saint Augustine’s Method of Composing and Delivering Sermons. American Journal of Philology, 43, с-ци97–123.
Mango, C. авт, 1954. A Russian Graffito in St. Sophia, Constantinople. Slavic Word, 10, с-ци436 – 438.
Obbema, P.F.J. авт, 1977. The Rooklooster Register Evaluated. Quaerendo, 7(4), с-ци326–353.
Lindblom, B. & Studdert-Kennedy, M. авт-ри, 1967. On the role of formant transitions in vowel recognition. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 42, с-ци830-843.
Migdalski, K. авт, 2010. Rezension: Franc Marušič and Rok Žaucer (eds.): Studies in formal Slavic linguistics. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (18), с-ци339–354.
Lundberg, G.H. авт, 2010. Review: Tjaša Jakop. The Dual in Slovene Dialects. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (18), с-ци337–338.
Tsedryk, E. авт, 2013. Review: The syntax of Russian by John Frederick Bailyn. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (21), с-ци341–357.
Orr, R. авт, 2012. Review: The Slavicization of the Russian north: Mechanisms and chronology. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (20), с-ци121–143.
Fitneva, S.A. авт, 2013. Review: Single and double clitics in adult and child grammar by Teodora Radeva-Bork. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (21), с-ци311–315.
Arsenijević, B. авт, 2013. Review: Rečenični fokus u engleskom i srpskom jeziku by Sabina Halupka-Rešetar. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (21), с-ци303–310.
Feldstein, R.F. авт, 2008. Review: Le mot, laccent, la phrase: études de linguistique slave et générale. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (16), с-ци307–310.
Flier, M.S. авт, 2009. Review: Laada Bilaniuk. Contested tongues: Language politics and cultural correction in Ukraine. Journal of Slavic linguistics, 17(1), с-ци327–330.
Townsend, C.Edward авт, 2008. Review: František Čermák. Frekvenční slovník mluvené češtiny. Journal of Slavic linguistics, 16(1), с177.
Gladney, F.Y. авт, 2010. Review: Edmund Gussman. The Phonology of Polish. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (18), с-ци131–142.
Pitsch, H. авт, 2012. Review: Die Kopula und ihre Komplemente: Zur Kompositionalität in Kopulasätzen. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (20), с-ци287–298.


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