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Libri Slavici

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Thakerar, J., Giles, H. & Cheshire, J. авт-ри, 1982. Psychological and linguistic parameters of speech accommodation theory. В C. Fraser & Scherer, K. R., ред-ри Advances in the Social Psychology of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, с-ци 205–255.
Bourhis, R.Y. и съавт. авт-ри, 1979. Psycholinguistic distinctiveness : Language divergence in Belgium. В H. Giles & Clair, R. Saint, ред-ри Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell, с-ци 158–185.
Altbauer, M. авт, 1971. Psalterium Sinaiticum. An 11th Century Glagolitic Manuscript from St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mt. Sinai, Skopje: Македонска академија на науките и уметностите.
Introduction in English. Text is a photographic reproduction of the original manuscript. Added t.p. in Macedonian. Includes bibliographical references.
Camuglia, M. авт, 1996. The Psalter, its tradition and computer: a new method of textual analysis. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 20(1), с-ци3–13.
Lehmann, W.P. авт, 1952. Proto-Indo-European Phonology, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. Available at: [Отворен на 2013-12-26].
Делева, А. & Степанов, Ц. авт-ри, 1998. Protobulgarica (Varia). Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 22(4), с-ци89–100.
Fontaine, J. авт, 1982. A propos de la notion d’aoriste. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), с-ци36–43.
Brown, R. & Gilman, A. авт-ри, 1960. The pronouns of power and solidarity. В T. Sebeok, ред Style in Language. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, с-ци 253 – 276.
Mignard, P., Cavé, C. & Viallet, F. авт-ри, 1998. Production gestuelle lors de la parole spontanee dans la maladie de Parkinson. В S. Santi и съавт., ред-ри Oralité et gestualité: interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. actes du colloque ORAGE 1998. L’Harmattan.
Kelley, H. авт, 1973. The processes of causal attribution. American Psychologist, 28, с-ци107–128.
Poggi, I. & Caldognetto, E. авт-ри, 1998. A Procedure for the Generation of Gesture in Bimodal Communication. В S. Santi и съавт., ред-ри Oralité et gestualité: interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. actes du colloque ORAGE 1998. L’Harmattan.
Kodov, C. авт, 1977. Problèmes historico-littéraires et textologiques bizantino-slaves. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 1(3), с-ци3–12.
Cvetkova, B. авт, 1979. Problèmes de la nationalité bulgare pendant les XVe–XVIIe s. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 3(4), с-ци13–25.
Mihov, N. авт, 2000. Problèmes de la concurrence entre les connecteurs temporels les plus employés en français et en bulgare contemporains. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 25(3), с-ци5–32.
Leech, G.N. авт, 1983. Principles of pragmatics 9th изд, London: Longman.
Angelov, P. авт, 1984. Principles of Bulgarian Medieval Diplomacy. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 9(3), с-ци11–26.
Spencer, H. авт, 1877. Principien der Sociologie, Stuttgart: B. Vetter.
Petersen, W. авт, 1939. The Primary Cases of the Tocharian Nominal Declination. Language, 15(2 (Apr – Jun), с-ци72 – 98.
Lebow, V. авт, 1955. Price Competition in 1955. Journal of Retailing, 31(1 (Spring 1955), с-ци5-11.
Desvallees, A. авт, 1994. Presentation. В Vagues. Une antologie de la nouvelle museologie. Paris.


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