A Theory of Modes and Modalities |
02.02.2017 |
A third look at the second Dative |
12.10.2013 |
A unified theory of syntactic categories |
24.10.2014 |
A. Cr. Vostokov, die deutsche Slavenkunde und das Altbulgarische |
11.10.2013 |
Abg. лицемѣръ 'πρωσοπολητῆς' |
11.10.2013 |
Abkürzende Bearbeitungen der Aristotelischen Schriften : Abbreviationes, Summulae, Compendia, Epitomata |
06.04.2015 |
About the journal |
14.11.2022 |
Aby Warburg : Eine intellektuelle Biographie |
03.04.2015 |
Accent mobility : A model and some data |
23.10.2014 |
Accommodating intercultural encounters : Elaborations and extensions |
08.07.2014 |
Accommodating nonverbally |
08.07.2014 |
Accommodating the elderly: Invoking and extending a theory |
22.10.2014 |
Accommodation theory : Communication, context, and consequence |
17.11.2014 |
Accommodation theory : Optimal levels of convergence |
08.07.2014 |
Accommodation theory : Some new directions |
22.10.2014 |
Accommodation Theory Revisited Again |
22.10.2014 |
Acquiring grammatical structures by guided induction |
09.01.2017 |
Acta Albaruthenica |
28.06.2014 |
Acta Baltico-Slavica |
28.06.2014 |
Acta Cassubiana |
28.06.2014 |
Acta Palaeoslavica. Vol. 2. In honorem Angelinae Minčeva |
02.10.2008 |
Acte şi scrisori din arhivele oraşelor ardelene (Bistriţa, Braşov, Sibiu) |
17.02.2016 |
Ad honorem проф. д.и.н. Боряна Велчева |
07.10.2013 |
Adjectival Intensification in English and in Bulgarian |
26.10.2013 |
After the End of Reason, What? |
13.01.2012 |
Age and Generation-Specific Use of Language |
28.10.2014 |
Age-Old Ties Between the East and the Wes |
11.10.2013 |
Akkusativ des Inhalts, Stabreim и привидно сходната българска кореннословна итерация |
06.10.2013 |
Albanian and Armenian |
26.12.2013 |
Albanian etymological dictionary |
26.12.2013 |
Albanische Etymologien : Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz |
09.01.2017 |
Albanische Etymologien. Untersuchungen zum Albanischen Erbwortschatz |
26.12.2013 |
Alexandri Milev Professoris in Memoriam (1904–1980) |
26.11.2013 |
All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present |
03.04.2015 |
AlphaGalileo |
14.12.2013 |
Altbulgarisch (aksl.) und ksl. prìmetati „hintansetzen“ |
11.10.2013 |