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Заглавие Последна промянанизходящо сортиране
A First Language: The Early Stages 12.10.2013
Adjectival Intensification in English and in Bulgarian 26.10.2013
Analyzing English-Language and Bulgarian-Language Political Speeches 26.10.2013
A Model of the Dative/Accusative Opposition for Slavic Languages Based on Data from Aphasia 26.10.2013
Aspectual oppositions in Bulgarian, Albanian and Turkish 26.10.2013
A propos de la notion d’aoriste 26.10.2013
A la recherche d’une valeur fondamentale du parfait bulgare 26.10.2013
A comparative analysis of the English and Bulgarian participles with a view to their categorial status 26.11.2013
Alexandri Milev Professoris in Memoriam (1904–1980) 26.11.2013
An introduction to the journal issue featuring papers presented at the Third Bulgarian-Polish linguistic conference 26.11.2013
AlphaGalileo 14.12.2013
Authors 17.12.2013
Albanische Etymologien. Untersuchungen zum Albanischen Erbwortschatz 26.12.2013
A note on the Armenian palatalization 26.12.2013
Albanian and Armenian 26.12.2013
A Grammatical Sketch of Albanian for Students of Indo-European 26.12.2013
Albanian etymological dictionary 26.12.2013
A Prehіstory of Slavіc: The Hіstorіcal Phonology of Common Slavіc 26.12.2013
Altbulgarische Grammatik als Einführung in die slavische Sprachwissenschaft 29.12.2013
Athanasius : A theological introduction 02.01.2014
Altkirchenslavische Übersetzungsäquivalente griechischer Ausdrücke der Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit 08.01.2014
Archaic Constantinople Typikon Commemorations in the Menologion to Apostolus Dečani-Crkolez Nr 2 08.01.2014
An Account of the Ancient History of the Norwegian King 03.05.2014
A dictionary of literary symbols 05.05.2014
A Grammar of the Hittite Language 18.05.2014
A Sanskrit Grammar for students 18.05.2014
A Compendious Grammar of the Old-Norse or Icelandic Language: compelled and translated from the Grammar of Rask 19.05.2014
Amor fati 20.05.2014
A Conference on a 14th-century Slavic manuscript 10.06.2014
Autumn-Winter 2013 11.06.2014
Acta Baltico-Slavica 28.06.2014
Acta Albaruthenica 28.06.2014
Acta Cassubiana 28.06.2014
Attitudes, Personality, and Behavior 08.07.2014
Attitude behavior relations: A theoretical analysis and review of empirical research 08.07.2014
Attitudes, Persuasion, and Behavior 08.07.2014
