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Заглавиенизходящо сортиране Последна промяна
The processes of causal attribution 18.10.2014
The pronouns of power and solidarity 08.07.2014
The Psalter, its tradition and computer: a new method of textual analysis 11.10.2013
The Quaestiones disputatae of the Glossators 06.04.2015
The Range of Interpretation 03.04.2015
The Redistribution of the Memory of Socialism. Identity Formations of the “Surviviors” in Hungary after 1989 26.02.2017
The relationship between entity and space in English and Bulgarian existential sentences 26.10.2013
The Relationship Between Land and Power in Terterid Bulgaria: a Comparative Study of the Appanages of Eltimir and Smilets 08.01.2014
The religious and moral ideas in the novels of Charles Dickens 20.03.2016
The Representation of Donors and Holy Figures on Four Byzantine Icons 04.04.2015
The Role of Grammar in Communicative Language Teaching: An Exploration of Second Language Teachers’ Perceptions and Classroom Practices 09.01.2017
The Role of the International Exhibitions in the Construction of National Cultures in the Nineteenth Century 13.03.2017
The Rooklooster Register Evaluated 14.04.2015
The Sanskrit Language 28.10.2014
The Scriptorium of William of Malmsbury 14.04.2015
The search for invariant acoustic correlates of phonetic features 12.10.2013
The Second Bulgarian Kingdom and the Latin Empire of Constantinople: A General Overview 08.01.2014
The Self as Other. Own name, other name, second and thirs person pronouns as designators for self by French speaking children. 12.10.2013
The Silent Language 08.07.2014
The Slavic Lingual in the Athonite Capital of Karyai (the Slavic Manuscripts of the Protaton Library) 11.10.2013
The Slavic Lingual Presence in the Docheiariou Monastery 11.10.2013
The Slavonic Languages 12.10.2013
The Slavonic Translation of Symeon Mesopotamites’ Sermo, quod semper mente versare debemus diem exitus de vita ({CPG} 4035) together with Some Critical Comments on Symeon’s Identity 11.10.2013
The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich 24.10.2014
The statistical study of literary vocabulary 28.12.2013
The Structure of Gregory Camblac’s Eulogy of Cyprian 26.09.2013
The Structure of Gregory Camblac’s Eulogy of Cyprian 11.10.2013
The Structure of Gregory Camblac’s Sermon on Euthymius in the Context of Byzantine and Medieval Slavic Literature 26.09.2013
The Structure of Gregory Camblac’s Sermon on Euthymius in the Context of Byzantine and Medieval Slavic Literature 11.10.2013
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 03.04.2015
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 03.04.2015
The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages 14.04.2015
The Symeonic Florilegium – Problems of its Origin, Content, Textology, and Edition, Together with and English Translation of the Eulogy of Tzar Symeon 11.10.2013
The Taming of Chance 23.11.2017
The Terror of the House 26.02.2017
The Testament of Ioan Rilski – a Desired but Nonexistent Old-Bulgarian monument of the 40s of the Tenth Century 29.05.2014
