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Заглавиевъзходящо сортиране Последна промяна
The Monastery of Sázava: Methodian Continuity North of the Danube? 11.10.2013
The Modern Museum: Requirements and Problems of a New Approach 03.04.2017
The Miracles of the Archangels in the Athonite Monastery of Docheiariou – a Diplomatic Edition of the Greek and Slavic Text 11.10.2013
The Medium is the museum: on Objects and Logics in Time and Space 13.03.2017
The Medieval Reader and Textual Criticism 05.04.2015
The measurement of language attitudes 08.07.2014
The measurement of attitudes 08.07.2014
The Meaning of Meaning. A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism 01.04.2015
The Master of Egerton 1070 : Hours of Rene d'Anjou 14.04.2015
The Martyrdom of St. George: Introduction 23.12.2013
The man who invented Christmas 20.03.2016
The Literary Language 26.09.2013
The listener as the source of sound change 12.10.2013
The Linguistic and Textual Peculiarities of the Glagolitic Psalter auctioned at Christie’s on 3 June 1998 11.10.2013
The Linguistic and Literary Reforms of Patriarch Euthymius: A Return to the Sources 11.10.2013
The Library Regulations of a Medieval College 06.04.2015
The Letters of Peter the Venerable 05.04.2015
The Letters of Charles Dickens 20.03.2016
The Latin Mission in Bulgaria in 866–870 (chapter {II)} 11.10.2013
The Latin Mission in Bulgaria in 866–870 (chapter {II)} 11.10.2013
The Latin Mission in Bulgaria in 866–870 (chapter I) 11.10.2013
The Latin Mission in Bulgaria in 866–870 (chapter I) 11.10.2013
The language of intergroup distinctiveness 22.10.2014
The Known and the Unknown: The Iconography of Science Fiction 02.02.2017
The July and August Volume of the Hilandar Menologium 08.01.2014
The Journal 26.10.2013
The Jewel-Hinged Jaw: Notes On the Language of Science Fiction 02.02.2017
The Janez Janša Project 02.05.2014
The Janez Janša Project 02.05.2014
The Invention of Everyday Life 26.06.2017
The interpretation of cultures: selected essays 03.04.2015
The Influence of the Concepts of Ordinatio and Compilatio on the Development of the Book 14.04.2015
The influence of attitudes on behavior 08.07.2014
The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett. 03.04.2015
The Impact of the Turnovo Hymnographic School on Chant Development in Slavia Orthodoxa: Evstatie’s 1511 Song Book Revisited 11.10.2013
The Imaginary. A phenomenological psychology of the imagination 02.02.2017
