Transcription Standard. Version 6.2 |
18.10.2014 |
Translation von Heiligkeit. Die Wahrnehmung von heiligem Raum im spätmittelalterlichen Heiligenkult |
08.01.2014 |
Trois manuscrits napolitains des collections de Charles V et de Jean de Berry |
05.04.2015 |
Tschechische Terminologie der ältesten slawischen Schriftsprache |
11.10.2013 |
Twilight Memories, Marking Time in a Culture of Amnesia |
13.03.2017 |
Two Enigmatic Manuscripts: the Slavonic Translation of the Homilies on the Departure of the Soul Attributed to Theophilus of Alexandria and Simeon Mesopotamites ({CPG} 2618 and 4035) |
11.10.2013 |
Typographic Rhapsody : Ravisius Textor, Zwinger and Shakespeare |
14.04.2015 |
Typological analysis of the imperative paradigms in the Slavic languages |
26.10.2013 |
Typological characteristics of co-reference chains in English and Bulgarian journalistic style |
26.10.2013 |
Typology of the Early Codex |
14.04.2015 |