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Заглавиенизходящо сортиране Последна промяна
Tanizaki Jun’ichiro, Neko no ie 13.02.2016
Tatyana Angelova 19.06.2014
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain 16.10.2013
Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom 09.01.2017
Teaching Computer and Translation at New Bulgarian University 12.07.2012
Teaching the scientific romance 02.02.2017
Teaching Thinking: An Agenda for the 21st Century 09.01.2017
Team 14.12.2013
Team 14.12.2013
Tendencje rozwojowe współczesnych zapożyczeń angielskich w języku polskim 18.05.2014
Tense and Modality 12.10.2013
Tertullian, First Theologian of the West 02.01.2014
Test bib 03.06.2010
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Texte des späten 14. Jahrhunderts als Grundlage für ein mittelbulgarisches Akzentwörterbuch 11.10.2013
Textlinguistics 19.06.2014
The 4MAT System: Teaching to Learning Styles with Right/Left Mode Technique 03.04.2017
The Acquisition of Romance, with Special Reference to French 12.10.2013
The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response 03.04.2015
The American Shore, Meditations on a Tale of Science Fiction by Thomas M. Disch – “Angouleme” 02.02.2017
The American Shore, Meditations on a Tale of Science Fiction by Thomas M. Disch – “Angouleme” 09.02.2017
The Arcades Project 23.11.2017
The Art of Memory 14.04.2015
The Art of Memory Reconceived. From Rhetoric to Psychoanalysis 02.02.2017
The Athonite Monastery of Karakallou – Slavic Presense and Slavic Manuscripts 11.10.2013
The Athonite Monastery of Xenophontos and its Slavic Archive (An Unknown Slavic Description of the Minastery's Land on Athos) 11.10.2013
The Attraction Paradigm 08.07.2014
The Birth of the Museum. History, Theory, Politics 08.03.2017
The Black Cat 12.02.2016
The Blackwell history of Latin Language 10.06.2010
The Book of Hours 06.04.2015
The Book of the Elders. Sayings of the Desert Fathers. The Systematic Collection 03.11.2015
The Book Provisions of the Medieval Friars, 1215–1400 06.04.2015
The Bulgarian Theme in Constantinople’s Monuments (A new approach in the study of Bulgarian and Byzantine cultural memory) 11.10.2013
The Calques of Greek Origin in the Most Ancient Old Slavic Gospel Texts: A Theoretical Examination of Calque Phenomena in the Texts of the Archaic Old Slavic Gospel Codices 27.12.2013
The Cambridge World History of Food 03.04.2015
