The Catalogue of Greek Musical Manuscripts from St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai |
08.01.2014 |
The Relationship Between Land and Power in Terterid Bulgaria: a Comparative Study of the Appanages of Eltimir and Smilets |
08.01.2014 |
The July and August Volume of the Hilandar Menologium |
08.01.2014 |
The Eulogy of St. John the Divine Attributed to Joh n the Exarch of Bulgaria |
02.01.2014 |
Theologische Literatur des Mittelalters in Bulgarien und Serbien 865 - 1459 |
02.01.2014 |
Tertullian, First Theologian of the West |
02.01.2014 |
The Text of the Apostolos in Athanasius of Alexandria |
30.12.2013 |
The statistical study of literary vocabulary |
28.12.2013 |
The Calques of Greek Origin in the Most Ancient Old Slavic Gospel Texts: A Theoretical Examination of Calque Phenomena in the Texts of the Archaic Old Slavic Gospel Codices |
27.12.2013 |
Theoretical bases of Indo-European linguistics |
26.12.2013 |
The origins of the Slavs: a linguist's view |
26.12.2013 |
The Nordic languages: An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages |
26.12.2013 |
The Origin of the Cult of St. George |
23.12.2013 |
The Martyrdom of St. George: Introduction |
23.12.2013 |
Team |
14.12.2013 |
Team |
14.12.2013 |
The Journal |
26.10.2013 |
The relationship between entity and space in English and Bulgarian existential sentences |
26.10.2013 |
Typological characteristics of co-reference chains in English and Bulgarian journalistic style |
26.10.2013 |
The Comparative Phonetics of Russian and the Other Slavic Languages: Toward a Standard IPA Transcription |
26.10.2013 |
Typological analysis of the imperative paradigms in the Slavic languages |
26.10.2013 |
Towards the electronic publication in Slavic studies (e-journal Littera et Lingua ) |
17.10.2013 |
The national exam - test (the language component) in the Bulgarian secondary school and grammatical competence of the students |
16.10.2013 |
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain |
16.10.2013 |
The Acquisition of Romance, with Special Reference to French |
12.10.2013 |
The Self as Other. Own name, other name, second and thirs person pronouns as designators for self by French speaking children. |
12.10.2013 |
The search for invariant acoustic correlates of phonetic features |
12.10.2013 |
The Slavonic Languages |
12.10.2013 |
The listener as the source of sound change |
12.10.2013 |
The phonetics of sound change |
12.10.2013 |
The origin of sound patterns in vocal tract constraints |
12.10.2013 |
Towards a model for the development of speech perception |
12.10.2013 |
The phonological basis of sound change |
12.10.2013 |
Tense and Modality |
12.10.2013 |
The Bulgarian Theme in Constantinople’s Monuments (A new approach in the study of Bulgarian and Byzantine cultural memory) |
11.10.2013 |
Tschechische Terminologie der ältesten slawischen Schriftsprache |
11.10.2013 |