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Заглавие Последна промянанизходящо сортиране
Strategies of accommodation: Development of a coding system for conversational interaction 22.10.2014
Speech accommodation theory and audience design 23.10.2014
Speech accommodation theory and audience design 23.10.2014
Social identity and intergroup behaviour 23.10.2014
Spatial and temporal uses of English prepositions : an essay in stratificational semantics 24.10.2014
Semantics and Cognition 24.10.2014
Syntax : Structure, Meaning, and Function 24.10.2014
Spring 2005 25.10.2014
Spring 2007 25.10.2014
Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society 28.10.2014
Speech accommodation theory : The first decade and beyond 17.11.2014
Speech markers in social interaction 17.11.2014
Some Observations On the Suffix -nt- in the Indo-European Languages 07.12.2014
Sämmtliche Werke 01.04.2015
Six disputations et un fragment d'une repetitio orléanaises 05.04.2015
Sancti Ludovici vita 05.04.2015
Spiegel van den Leven Ons Heren (Mirror of the Life of Our Lord) 05.04.2015
Saint Bonaventure et la sagesse chrétienne 05.04.2015
Saint Augustine’s Method of Composing and Delivering Sermons 05.04.2015
Sancti Aurelii Augustini de Civitate Dei Libri I-X 06.04.2015
Some Conjectures about the Impact of Printing on Western Society : A Preliminary Report 06.04.2015
Sur quelques manuscrits de l'ancienne littérature religieuse du Vaudois du Piémont 06.04.2015
Student Life in Ave Maria College, Mediaeval Paris : History and Chartulary of the College 06.04.2015
Son, parole et lecture au moyen âge 06.04.2015
Studies on Priscian in the Twelfth Century 06.04.2015
Saint-Augustin et la fin de la culture antique 14.04.2015
System, Space, and Intellect in Renaissance Symbolism 14.04.2015
Studium Upsalense : Specimens of the Oldest Lecture Notes Taken in the Medieval University of Uppsala 14.04.2015
Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum 14.04.2015
Storia del Ciceronianismo e di altre questioni letterarie nell età della Rinascenza 14.04.2015
Secrétaires de saint Thomas 17.04.2015
Schwarze Katze 12.02.2016
Sveta Katarina – prva učena žena u hrvatskoj književnoj kulturi 08.03.2016
Standarde dhe identitete 08.01.2017
Sociolinguistika 08.01.2017
Strategic a metody rozvoja osobnosti dietata 09.01.2017
