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Заглавие Последна промянанизходящо сортиране
Scrpta et e-Scripta. Volume 3-4, Sofia, 2006. 04.10.2008
Slavia 75, 2006 07.10.2008
Some Characteristics of the Dual in Slovenian 26.11.2010
Slovo, 54-55, 2004-2005, Zagreb,2006 07.12.2011
Semantic Profiles of Five Russian Prefixes: po-, s-, za-, na-, pro- 26.09.2013
Slavic sociolinguistics in North America: lineage and leading edge 26.09.2013
Sluicing in Slavic 26.09.2013
Structures perceptivo-cognitives de quelques patrons intonatifs en français 06.10.2013
Sur les fonctions modales du futur périphrastique français 06.10.2013
Svätí Cyril a Metod : Horliví hlasatelia božieho slova a verní pastieri církvi 10.10.2013
Slovanskí apoštoli Cyril a Metod a ich činnosť vo Veľkomoravskej ríši 10.10.2013
Slovanské počátky české knižní vzdělanosti. Praha: SPN 10.10.2013
Summer-Winter 2007 11.10.2013
Spring 2009 11.10.2013
Summer 2008 11.10.2013
Spring 2012 11.10.2013
Spring 2011 11.10.2013
Summer 2011 11.10.2013
Summer 2010 11.10.2013
Spring 2010 11.10.2013
Summer 2012 11.10.2013
Sechzigjähriges Jubiläum Ivan Galabovs 11.10.2013
Some 16th and Early 17th Century Printings in the {NBKM} 11.10.2013
Symposium „Bogomilisme et culture européenne médiévale. 11.10.2013
Some Remarks Regarding the Place and Date of the Translation of the Slavonic Reading Menologia and Their Transmission to Russia 11.10.2013
Semantic Hierarchy and the Old Bulgarian Genitive-Accusative 11.10.2013
Stories and Names: Modes of Eastern Orthodox Rhetoric of Sainthood 11.10.2013
Some evidence for, and causes of, stylistic change at Pliska and Preslav 11.10.2013
Some Uses of Genitive Case in Old Bulgarian 11.10.2013
Sredec dans l’histoire de la culture matérielle et l’art de la Bulgarie médiévale 11.10.2013
Sredec dans l’histoire de la culture matérielle et l’art de la Bulgarie médiévale 11.10.2013
Scriptio continua и ролята на един предлог 11.10.2013
Stops in {CV-syllables} 12.10.2013
Sound Change is Drawn from a Pool of Synchronic Variation 12.10.2013
Slovník jazyka staroslověnského. Lexicon linguae palaeoslovenicae 12.10.2013
Slovník jazyka staroslověnského. Lexicon linguae palaeoslovenicae 12.10.2013
