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Заглавие Последна промянавъзходящо сортиране
Representing the Nation: A Reader. Histories, Heritage and Museums 13.03.2017
Rhapsody: Notes on Strange Fictions 02.02.2017
Reading by Starlight: Postmodern Science Fiction 02.02.2017
Relations between Possessivity and Grammaticalisation in Bulgarian, Czech and Russian 19.01.2017
Radost Żelezarova 12.01.2017
Reading and reasoning beyond the primarygrades 09.01.2017
Rosario Napolitano 07.01.2017
Reclaiming A Christmas Carol 20.03.2016
Religion from Tolstoy to Camus. New York: Harper Torchbooks. 09.03.2016
Russian travelers to Constantinople in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries 17.02.2016
Remarks to Darin Tenev’s "The Cat, the Look, and Death" 13.02.2016
Russian Minimalism : From the Prose Poem to the Anti-Story 29.01.2016
Remembering Poemen Remembering: The Desert Fathers and the Spirituality of Memory 03.11.2015
Raul Lefèvre. L’histoire de Jason 14.04.2015
Roman Cursive Writing 14.04.2015
Repertorium Biblicum medii aevi 14.04.2015
Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue 14.04.2015
Romanesque Painting from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Century 14.04.2015
Recueil d’études de Saint Bernard 14.04.2015
Rashi and the Christian Scholars 06.04.2015
Recherches sur la librairie de Charles V 05.04.2015
Raúl de Presles 05.04.2015
Recherches sur les influences orientales dans l’art balkanique 04.04.2015
Reading in the Mobile Era: A Study of Mobile Reading in Developing Countries. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 04.04.2015
Relations in Public : Microstudies of the Public Order 03.04.2015
Reception and Tradition 03.04.2015
Romanticism and the Gothic: Genre, Reception, and Canon Formation 03.04.2015
Religion as Collective Identity 17.11.2014
Religion and popular communication 23.10.2014
Refleksja metodologiczna nad kategorią umysłu 19.10.2014
Research on language attitudes 08.07.2014
Rediscovering the Social Group: A Self-Categorization Theory 08.07.2014
Reading people: Introduction to the world of nonverbal behavior 08.07.2014
Research on language attitudes 08.07.2014
Répertoire des manuscrits slaves en Roumanie : Auteurs byzantins et slaves 07.06.2014
Reste indoeuropäicher heteroklitischer Nominalstämme im Slawischen und Baltischen 18.05.2014
