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Leclercq, J., 1946. Pierre de Vénérable, Abbaye S. Wandrell: Éditions de Fontenelle.
Lebow, V., 1955. Price Competition in 1955. Journal of Retailing, 31(1 (Spring 1955), pp.5-11.
Lavine, J.E., 2010. Case and Events in Transitive Impersonals. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (18), pp.101–130.
Launer, M.K. & McShane, M.J., 2007. Review: A Theory of Ellipsis. Journal of Slavic linguistics, 15(1), pp.149–162.
Laskova, V., 2009. A comparative analysis of the English and Bulgarian participles with a view to their categorial status. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 34(3), pp.5–24.
Larson, J., 1985. Dickens and the Broken Scripture, Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Laroche, E., 1962. Un ergative en indo-européen. Buletin de la société de linguistique de Paris, 57, pp.23 – 43.
Langacker, R.W., 2009. Gramatyka kognitywna : wprowadzenie, Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas.
tł. Elżbieta Tabakowska [et al.].
Lambot, C., 1939. Lettre inédite de S. Augustin relative au De Civitate Dei. Revue bénédictine, 51, pp.109–121.
Lakoff, G., 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind, Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
This book presents some of the most stimulating ideas on mind and meaning I have ever read. It is a book that has far-reaching consequences and is sure to rattle the foundations of thinking and research in the cognitive sciences.
Lakoff, G., 1988. Metafory w naszym życiu, Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
Przeł. i wstępem opatrzył. Tomasz P. Krzeszowski


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