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Journal Article
Dimitrova, S., 1998. Perception and acoustic correlates of stress in English and in Bulgarian. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 23(1–2), pp.15–24.
Růžička, R., 2006. On participles as a mixed category in Russian and elsewhere. International journal of Slavic linguistics and poetics, (44–45), pp.323–330.
8 references
Ivantchev, S., 1982. Parallèles linguistiques bulgaro-français. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics, 7(1–2), pp.98–104.
Angelov, D., 1989. Parallele in den sozial-ökonomischen Verhältnissen der mittelalterlichen balkanischen Staaten. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика, 13(3), pp.3–13.
Lubowicz, A., 2007. Paradigmatic Contrast in Polish. Journal of Slavic linguistics, 15} pages = {229–262(2).
Czaplicki, B., 2010. Palatalized Labials in Polish Dialects: An Evolutionary Perspective. Journal of Slavic linguistics, (18), pp.259–290.
Kalopissi-Verti, S., 1994. Painters’ Portraits in Byzantine Art. Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, 17(4), pp.129–142. Available at: [Accessed 03.04.2015AD].
17 (1993–1994), περ. Δ ́
Conference Paper
Palonen, E., 2002. Postcommunist Histories in Budapest: The Cult of Great Men in Spring 2002. In Paper presented at thy “Contours of Legitimacy in Central Europe: New Approaches in Graduate Studies” Conference, European Studies Centre St. Anthony’s College, Oxford. May 24–25, 2002. Available at: .
Book Chapter
Brown, R. & Gilman, A., 1960. The pronouns of power and solidarity. In T. Sebeok, ed. Style in Language. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp. 253 – 276.
Desvallees, A., 1994. Presentation. In Vagues. Une antologie de la nouvelle museologie. Paris.
Koopman, H., 2000. Prepositions, postpositions, circumpositions, and particles. In The Syntax of Specifiers and Heads. Collected Essays of Hilda J. Koopman. London: Routledge, pp. 204–260.
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Pokłosie międzynarodowej konferencji językoznawczej, zorganizowanej przez Zakład Tekstologii i Gramatyki Współczesnego Języka Polskiego oraz Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, która odbyła się w dniach 15-16 września 2003 roku w Kolegium UMCS w Biłgoraju.
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Kiparsky, P., 1988. Phonological change. In F. J. Newmeyer, ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 363–415.
Kiparsky, P., 1995. The phonological basis of sound change. In J. Goldsmith, ed. Handbook of Phonological Theory. Cambridge, {MA}: Blackwel, pp. 640–670.


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