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Libri Slavici

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Book Chapter
Sharenkova, R., 2010. Forget-Me(-Not): Visitors and Museum Presentations about Communism before 1989. In C. Dobos & Stan, M., eds. Politics of Memory in Post-Communist Europe. Bucharest: Zeta Books.
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Marichal, R., 1961. La critique des textes. In C. Samaran, ed. L’histoire et ses méthodes. Paris: Gallimard, pp. 1276–1366.
Meredith, K.S. & Steele, J.L., 1997. Learning for Understanding. In Z. Kollankova et al., eds. Critical Thinking. Bratislava: State Pedagogical Institute of Slovakia.
Meredith, K.S. & Steele, J.L., 1997. Learning for Understanding. In Z. Kollankova et al., eds. Critical Thinking. Bratislava: State Pedagogical Institute of Slovakia.
Bautier, R.Henri, 1978. Les notaires et secrétaires du roi des origines au milieu du XVI siècle. In A. Lapeyre & Scheurer, R., eds. Les notaires et secrétaires du roi sous les règnes de Louis XI, Charles VIII et Louis XII: Notices personnelles et généalogies. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale.
Sels, L., 2006. Lexical diversification versus terminological standardization. John the Exarch's Bogoslovie and Šestodnev and parallel 14th-century South Slavonic translations. In Л. Тасева et al., eds. Многократните преводи в Южнославянското средновековие. София: Горекс Прес, pp. 301–308.
Andreeva, B., Avgustinova, T. & Barry, W.J., 2001. Link-associated and focus-associated accent patterns in Bulgarian. In G. Zybatow et al., eds. Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics. Peter Lang, pp. 353–364.
H. Melchert, C., 2012. Luvo-Lycian Stops Revisited. In R. Sukač & Šefčík, O., eds. The Sound of Indo-European. München: Lincom, pp. 206–218. Available at: [Accessed 2013-12-26].
H. Melchert, C., 2012. Luvo-Lycian Stops Revisited. In R. Sukač & Šefčík, O., eds. The Sound of Indo-European. München: Lincom, pp. 206–218. Available at: [Accessed 2013-12-26].
Silverstone, R., 1994. The Medium is the museum: on Objects and Logics in Time and Space. In R. Miles, ed. Towards the Museum of the Future. New European Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Szabó, L., 2009. Narrating “the People” and “Disciplining” the Folk: The Constitution of the Hungarian Ethnographic Discipline and the Touristic Movements (1870-1900). In D. Mishkova, ed. We, the People: Politics of National Peculiarity in Southeastern Europ. Budapest & New York: CEU Press.
Prince, G., 1980. Notes on the Text as Reader. In S. Suleiman & Crosman, I., eds. The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation. Princeton, Guildford: Princeton University Press, pp. 225 – 240.
Athanasius, A., 1998. Oratio II contra Arianos. In K. Metzler, Hansen, D., & Savvidis, K., eds. Werke. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Athanasius, A., 2000. Oratio III contra Arianos. In K. Savvidis, ed. Werke. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Athanasius, A., 1998. Orationes I contra Arianos. In K. Metzler, Hansen, D., & Savvidis, K., eds. Werke. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Deutsch, W. et al., 2001. Person in singletons, siblings, and twins. In M. Bowerman & Levinson, S. C., eds. Language acquisition and conceptual development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 284–315.
Simmel, G., 2001. Philosophie der Landschaft. In Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, pp. 471–482.
Lindblom, B., 1992. Phonological units as adaptive emergents of lexical development. In M. C. A. L. Ferguson & Stoel-Gammon, C., eds. Phonological development. Parkton, Maryland: York Press, pp. 131–164.
Samanci, O., 2011. Pilaf and Bouchees: The Modernization of Official Banquets at the Ottoman Palace in the Nineteenth Century. In D. De Voogh, ed. Royal Taste. Food, Power and Status in European Courts after 1789. Ashgate: Aldershot, pp. 111–143.
Warchala, J. & Skudrzyk, A., 2007. Potoczność – kategoria rozmyta?, w : Potoczność a zachowania językowe Polaków, Lublin 2007. In Potoczność a zachowania językowe Polaków. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, pp. 21–32.
Pokłosie międzynarodowej konferencji językoznawczej, zorganizowanej przez Zakład Tekstologii i Gramatyki Współczesnego Języka Polskiego oraz Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, która odbyła się w dniach 15-16 września 2003 roku w Kolegium UMCS w Biłgoraju.
Brown, R. & Gilman, A., 1960. The pronouns of power and solidarity. In T. Sebeok, ed. Style in Language. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp. 253 – 276.
Budelmann, F. & Haubold, J., 2008. Reception and Tradition. In L. Hardwick & Stray, C., eds. A Companion to Classical Receptions. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 13–25.
Horváth, Z., 2008. The Redistribution of the Memory of Socialism. Identity Formations of the “Surviviors” in Hungary after 1989. In O. Sarkisova & Apor, P., eds. Past for the Eyes: East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums after 1989. Budapest & New York: CEU Press.
Lindblom, B. & Studdert-Kennedy, M., 1991. On the role of formant transitions in vowel recognition. In R. D. Kent J. Miller & Atal, B. S., eds. Papers in speech communication: Speech perception. New York: Acoustical Society of America, pp. 501-514.


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