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Функционално-семантични паралели в употребите на дателни местоименни клитики с посесивно значение в българския и румънския език

TitleФункционално-семантични паралели в употребите на дателни местоименни клитики с посесивно значение в българския и румънския език
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsСтоянова, Д
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The paper discusses the use of the dative pronominal clitics in Bulgarian and Romanian as one of the grammatical means of expressing possession. It is an attempt to outline the major aspects of the contrastive study of a linguistic phenomenon not to be traced in the other Slavic and Romance languages, but attested in other Balkan languages as well. Although the dative clitics have not been introduced into the system of the Romanian possessive pronouns, as is the case with Bulgarian, the results of the analysis point out to a great number of semantic and functional similarities.

Citation KeyСтоянова1989
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