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Английските заемки в българската морска терминология след Втората световна война и тяхната семантична конфигурация (English loan-words in Bulgarian mariti

TitleАнглийските заемки в българската морска терминология след Втората световна война и тяхната семантична конфигурация (English loan-words in Bulgarian mariti
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsПеткова, В
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

This paper deals with problems of semantic assimilation of English loanwords in Bulgarian Maritime Terminology. The interaction and correlation between the lexical meaning of both Bulgarian and English terms are analysed. Stress is laid on the fact that in passing from general usage into a special sphere of communication a word undergoes specialization. The analysis is diachronic and synchronic. Subject to the investigation are about 140 loan terms drawn from contracts of sea carriages, official documents and acts regulating merchant shipping in Bulgaria. The traditional classification of material loanwords, loan blends and calques is enlarged with that of the loanshifts-extensions and each group is subjected to semantic analysis. The results show that the semantics of the English loanwords is equivalent to that of their prototypes. The clarifying and proper interpretation of the semantics of late English loanwords will contribute to a more efficient mastering of the terms.

Citation KeyПеткова1977
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