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Синтактичният модел „V + О“,контекстуален маркер на перфективност в българския и английския език

TitleСинтактичният модел „V + О“,контекстуален маркер на перфективност в българския и английския език
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsКабакчиев, К
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
Publication Languagebul

The syntactic pattern VERB + OBJECT functions as a contextual marker of perfectivity when transitive verbs in the Past Simple Tense in English and aspectually defective transitive verbs in the Aorist in Bulgarian are used. A limited number of verbs of existential and relational meaning make an exception to the perfectivity of the pattern in both languages. In English, the adverbial imperfective marker and the generic meaning of the object are two basic conditions that preclude the perfectivity of the pattern. Analytic combinations consisting of a verb and a noun, which are semantically equivalent to a separate verb and express perfective actions, are frequent in both languages because of the perfectivity inherent in the pattern.

Citation KeyКабакчиев1983
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