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Title Last updatesort descending
Palaeoslavica, XIV, 2006 04.10.2008
Poeme Anne Ahmatove in proza Osipa Mandelštama 08.10.2008
Pragmatyczne aspekty komizmu 04.02.2013
Phonetics in Ancient India 26.09.2013
Psalterium Sinaiticum. An 11th Century Glagolitic Manuscript from St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mt. Sinai 26.09.2013
Palatalized Labials in Polish Dialects: An Evolutionary Perspective 26.09.2013
Perceptual Salience in Dialect Contact: The Okane/Akane Dialects of East Slavic 26.09.2013
Paradigmatic Contrast in Polish 26.09.2013
Přehled českých církevních dějin 10.10.2013
Parallele in den sozial-ökonomischen Verhältnissen der mittelalterlichen balkanischen Staaten 11.10.2013
Principles of Bulgarian Medieval Diplomacy 11.10.2013
Problèmes de la nationalité bulgare pendant les {XVe–XVIIe} s. 11.10.2013
Problèmes historico-littéraires et textologiques bizantino-slaves 11.10.2013
Première conférence complexe d’études bulgares 11.10.2013
Patriarchs Euthymius of Tarnovo and Philotheus of Consatantinople and Liturgical Reforms in Fourteenth Century Bulgaria 11.10.2013
Protobulgarica (Varia) 11.10.2013
Phonological change 12.10.2013
Phonological units as adaptive emergents of lexical development 12.10.2013
Phonetic universals in vowel systems 12.10.2013
Phonetic universals in consonant systems 12.10.2013
Phonetic explanation in phonology 12.10.2013
Phonological evidence for top-down processing in speech perception 12.10.2013
Perceptual learning of non-native speech contrasts: Implication for theories of speech perception 12.10.2013
Personal Deixis: The Early Stages 12.10.2013
Personal pronouns 12.10.2013
Person in singletons, siblings, and twins 12.10.2013
Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation 13.10.2013
Problèmes de la concurrence entre les connecteurs temporels les plus employés en français et en bulgare contemporains 26.10.2013
Perception and acoustic correlates of stress in English and in Bulgarian 26.10.2013
Pragmatic Uses of Well and their Bulgarian Translations 26.10.2013
Polskiе i bułgarskie czasowniki komunikujące relacje czasowe 26.10.2013
Parallèles linguistiques bulgaro-français 26.10.2013
Phrasal Verbs in the Interlanguage of First Year English Philology Students 26.11.2013
Publications 28.11.2013
Proto-Indo-European Phonology 26.12.2013
Poredbenopovijesna gramatika hrvatskoga jezika 26.12.2013
