Palaeoslavica, XIV, 2006 |
04.10.2008 |
Poeme Anne Ahmatove in proza Osipa Mandelštama |
08.10.2008 |
Pragmatyczne aspekty komizmu |
04.02.2013 |
Phonetics in Ancient India |
26.09.2013 |
Psalterium Sinaiticum. An 11th Century Glagolitic Manuscript from St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mt. Sinai |
26.09.2013 |
Palatalized Labials in Polish Dialects: An Evolutionary Perspective |
26.09.2013 |
Perceptual Salience in Dialect Contact: The Okane/Akane Dialects of East Slavic |
26.09.2013 |
Paradigmatic Contrast in Polish |
26.09.2013 |
Přehled českých církevních dějin |
10.10.2013 |
Parallele in den sozial-ökonomischen Verhältnissen der mittelalterlichen balkanischen Staaten |
11.10.2013 |
Principles of Bulgarian Medieval Diplomacy |
11.10.2013 |
Problèmes de la nationalité bulgare pendant les {XVe–XVIIe} s. |
11.10.2013 |
Problèmes historico-littéraires et textologiques bizantino-slaves |
11.10.2013 |
Première conférence complexe d’études bulgares |
11.10.2013 |
Patriarchs Euthymius of Tarnovo and Philotheus of Consatantinople and Liturgical Reforms in Fourteenth Century Bulgaria |
11.10.2013 |
Protobulgarica (Varia) |
11.10.2013 |
Phonological change |
12.10.2013 |
Phonological units as adaptive emergents of lexical development |
12.10.2013 |
Phonetic universals in vowel systems |
12.10.2013 |
Phonetic universals in consonant systems |
12.10.2013 |
Phonetic explanation in phonology |
12.10.2013 |
Phonological evidence for top-down processing in speech perception |
12.10.2013 |
Perceptual learning of non-native speech contrasts: Implication for theories of speech perception |
12.10.2013 |
Personal Deixis: The Early Stages |
12.10.2013 |
Personal pronouns |
12.10.2013 |
Person in singletons, siblings, and twins |
12.10.2013 |
Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation |
13.10.2013 |
Problèmes de la concurrence entre les connecteurs temporels les plus employés en français et en bulgare contemporains |
26.10.2013 |
Perception and acoustic correlates of stress in English and in Bulgarian |
26.10.2013 |
Pragmatic Uses of Well and their Bulgarian Translations |
26.10.2013 |
Polskiе i bułgarskie czasowniki komunikujące relacje czasowe |
26.10.2013 |
Parallèles linguistiques bulgaro-français |
26.10.2013 |
Phrasal Verbs in the Interlanguage of First Year English Philology Students |
26.11.2013 |
Publications |
28.11.2013 |
Proto-Indo-European Phonology |
26.12.2013 |
Poredbenopovijesna gramatika hrvatskoga jezika |
26.12.2013 |