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Title Last updatesort descending
On the role of formant transitions in vowel recognition 26.09.2013
On the role of formant transitions in vowel recognition 26.09.2013
Origine delle Lingue d’Europa (Collezione di testi e di studi) 26.09.2013
Origine delle Lingue d’Europa (Collezione di testi e di studi) 26.09.2013
On the Derivational Pattern of the Bulgarian Verb 26.09.2013
On the Distribution of -kolwiek ever in Polish Free Relatives 26.09.2013
On the Syntax and Semantics of kakoj and čto za in Russian 26.09.2013
Origen y evolución de la flexión nominal eslava 26.09.2013
On the Absence of Long-Distance A-Movement in Russian 26.09.2013
On participles as a mixed category in Russian and elsewhere 27.09.2013
On the anaphora problem in Slavic 27.09.2013
Observations sur la transcription en italien des noms propres slaves et protobulgares dans un texte de la fin du XVI e siècle 06.10.2013
Observations filigranologiques sur les manuscrits bulgares du {XIVe} siècle de la collection de la Bibliothèque nationale {„Cirille} et Méthode“ 11.10.2013
Old Bulgarian радити, нерадити and неродити 11.10.2013
One for All and All four One: Yers and Nasals in Rodopi Dialects 11.10.2013
Ostaci staroslovenskih prijevoda u hrvatskoj glagoljskoj književnosti. Hrvatski glagoljski fragment {„Mučenja} 40 mučenika“ iz 13 vijeka 12.10.2013
On Decomposing Inflection Class Features: Syncretism in Russian Noun Inflection 12.10.2013
On the Semantics of some Types of Event Construal in English and Bulgarian 26.10.2013
On the Slavic word for one in the predicate-noun determiner position 26.10.2013
On the Balkan Equivalents of a Language Universal (Expressions of the Type When Hell Freezes Over) 26.11.2013
Orationes contra Arianos 29.12.2013
Orationes I contra Arianos 02.01.2014
Oratio II contra Arianos 02.01.2014
Oratio III contra Arianos 02.01.2014
Origine des themes nominaux en –ęt- du slave 18.05.2014
On Architecture 04.04.2015
Of Eloquence : Studies in Ancient and Mediaeval Rhetoric 05.04.2015
Oral Delivery in the Middle Ages 05.04.2015
Oxford Theology and Theologians c. A.D. 1282–1302 14.04.2015
Oeuvres de Ruysbroeck l'Admirable 14.04.2015
Observations sur la traduction de Tice-Live par Pierre Bersuire (1354–1356) 14.04.2015
On the History of Latin Scholia 14.04.2015
Optatus Milevitanus. De schismate donatistarum advеrsus Parmenianum 14.04.2015
Oxford Companion to Animal Behaviour 12.02.2016
Ogledi stare hrvatske proze. Život sv. Katarine 08.03.2016
Oxford Reader’s Companion to Dickens 20.03.2016
