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Title Last updatesort ascending
Analyzing English-Language and Bulgarian-Language Political Speeches 26.10.2013
Adjectival Intensification in English and in Bulgarian 26.10.2013
A First Language: The Early Stages 12.10.2013
Altkirchenslavisch-griechisches Wörterbuch des Codex Suprasliensis 12.10.2013
A third look at the second Dative 12.10.2013
Analysis and synthesis of speech processes 12.10.2013
An optimality theoretic analysis of stress in Macedonian 12.10.2013
A General Study of Palatalization 12.10.2013
An HPSG Approach to the Syntax of Bulgarian Relatives 12.10.2013
A Computer Collation of Medieval Slavic Menologies 11.10.2013
Athos and the West. Benedictines, Crusaders and Philosophers 11.10.2013
Age-Old Ties Between the East and the Wes 11.10.2013
Altrussisch ковредие und bulgarisch коврадя, човрадя 11.10.2013
A Slavic Gospel in Los Angeles 11.10.2013
A Tenth-Century Graffito of St Basil the Great in the Light of His Cult in Eastern Monasticism 11.10.2013
Altbulgarisch (aksl.) und ksl. prìmetati „hintansetzen“ 11.10.2013
A. Cr. Vostokov, die deutsche Slavenkunde und das Altbulgarische 11.10.2013
Altbulgarische Texte als indispensable Quellen der Byzantinistik 11.10.2013
Aorist Taxonomies in Old Church Slavonic 11.10.2013
Abg. лицемѣръ 'πρωσοπολητῆς' 11.10.2013
Autumn 2009 11.10.2013
Autumn 2010 11.10.2013
Autumn 2011 11.10.2013
Autumn 2012 11.10.2013
Apoštolé Slovanů Cyril a Metoděj a Velká Morava 10.10.2013
Ad honorem проф. д.и.н. Боряна Велчева 07.10.2013
Akkusativ des Inhalts, Stabreim и привидно сходната българска кореннословна итерация 06.10.2013
Aufgaben und Probleme der Konfrontation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (Teil II) 06.10.2013
A Core of Bulgarian WordNet for Nouns. Humans and Computer. Verbal communication and interaction via computer 28.09.2013
Andrej Bojadziev 28.09.2013
A metaphor for aspect in Slavic 27.09.2013
A Conspiracy of Gliding Processes in Polish 26.09.2013
Auxiliary Clitics in Southwest Ukrainian: Questions of Chronology, Areal Distribution, and Grammaticalization 26.09.2013
An East Slavic sinodik from the Sinai 26.09.2013
After the End of Reason, What? 13.01.2012
A Gentle Introduction to SGML. / Внимателно въведение в SGML. 13.12.2011
