Observations sur la transcription en italien des noms propres slaves et protobulgares dans un texte de la fin du XVI e siècle |
Pissinova |
Nevena |
1989 |
14 |
5 |
06.10.2013 |
On the Balkan Equivalents of a Language Universal (Expressions of the Type When Hell Freezes Over) |
Vrabie |
Emil |
1993 |
18 |
3–4 |
26.11.2013 |
On the Semantics of some Types of Event Construal in English and Bulgarian |
Bagasheva |
Alexandra |
2003 |
28 |
1 |
26.10.2013 |
On the Slavic word for one in the predicate-noun determiner position |
Ivić |
Milka |
1990 |
15 |
4–5 |
26.10.2013 |